Friday, September 12, 2008

Clothes In Heaven

Anyone else ever wonder if there are clothes in Heaven? I have pondered this on occasion and I think there must be. What are your thoughts?


Unknown said...

From some of the prophetic passages (like Rev 19:13-15) I think there will be some type of garments. I suspect that any clothing would serve ceremonial functions since there should be no need for the protective aspects of clothing and we probably wouldn't even have to use a towel to set on.

Anonymous said...

Our physical bodies that we have now are left behind when we die, and I imagine the essence of our beings (our souls), which will be with God for eternity, will be more different from our current 'selves' than we can imagine. So there is no use for clothes, as we know them to be, in heaven. There could be something else entirely different. But it's not important that we know or understand that now.