Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Emphasis!

I have heard often that Christian nudists put too much interest on being nude and not enough on being Christian. Although that is not my experience, there may be a tendency to talk more about nudism among nudists because we have more opportunities to talk about Christian matters elsewhere. It occurred to me that maybe we need to be more conscience of this tendency and make a concerted effort to keep talking about Christ as our ultimate goal.

I am not saying not to speak of our mission area, or about the issues that arise in a nudist setting, but I am openly advocating taking a position to make sure the outside world knows we are nudists for God's sake and not God's for nudism's sake.

In a blog a read recently, they criticized Boyd Allen's site for dwelling on nudism to the exclusion of Christ's message. Anyone who knows Boyd will tell you this isn't true. As the current leader of the CNC, I value his knowledge and his willingness to take a stand for Christ in the nudist world. I consider him a valuable co-worker in Christ's field. But when I stood back, I noticed nudism and Christianity were linked in both our sites. We made our job as workers for Christ only to the nudists and did not leave the door open for textiles to come.

Perhaps I led the way with this some years ago. Most of my missions in the last 15 years have been to the nudist world. I have worked without ceasing to win the nudists. I may have neglected the textiles. In some places, I may have alienated the textiles. Without a good reason, I may have cut my job description in half.

When Jesus said, "Go yea to all the world..." He did not add, "and preach to every naked person you see." He wants us to win all so that none should perish.

I still believe my main job is to work in the nudist community. God has planted me in a place where I am firmly installed in a position that will lead the nudist Christians for some years to come. I think it is from this point God has revealed to me that we will begin to have openings in the textile world where our textile brothers can't go.

The door we open that leads to becoming a nudist also gives us an innate ability to see others in a more open manner. We are more understanding of Christian seekers who would not be accepted in the normal Christian community. It is our job to find these souls and bring them to Christ for their own sake and for ours.

If you believe this with me, we can have an impact, not just in the nudist world, but in the textile fringe as well. All you need to do is say, "Amen!"

Of course, saying Amen in my book means you will begin the work with me! Gotcha.

Until Next Time, my brothers and sisters. Allen


Anonymous said...

Hello Allen
Great Blog you got here! Like you, I'm surprised no comments are being made here. So I'll do what I can.

I am with you when it comes to not getting out the gospel to all. I am working on that myself. In fact, there was one person who fussed at us for not talking about naturism enough on my forum. Go figure.

As you know, one of the things we say in CNC is that we reach out to our naturist community, while being a "Voice of Reason" to our Christian community (clothed). And of course, I am active in my "clothed" life as well.

I figured, if we get enough attention as the CNC and your church at WTR, we'll get the message out whether we want to or not. So hang on dude, we're working with you! Keep up the good work!

Blessing to you and your ministry.

Boyd Allen

Unknown said...

LOL -- Allen, you "got me" long before my little "Amen".

My thanks to Boyd for pointing out your blog.

Keep on keepin' on my friend and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

John Andersen aka "Clothesbegone"